Art Journaling/Scrapbooking

When I was in high school year ago, I remember taking a photography class that I looved. In that class when we were not taking pics we would have to do a scrapbook assignment. In a way it was like elementary with the cutting and glueing things into a blank book thing, but it was very therapeutic because I would focus on it and block out everything else. When that semester was over I was still finding myself scrapbooking, having a mess all over my room. I have found ways to make it more artistic and to fill with my nonsense and memories. As years went by I lost touch with it and now I want to get back into that habit of scrapbooks. Only this time I want to get more creative and find my inner artist. I found a variety of art journalism equipment by Tim Holtz. I like the theme he has, which is kinda like, vintage industrial, rock & roll. So colorful.